SCS installs the SCS Wildfire Protection System in homes around the world. Whether you have a modest 1,500 square foot home, or a luxury estate, no project is ever too small or too large to be made safe from wildfires. Your home is your castle and protecting it is our passion.


The SCS Wildfire Protection System is a revolutionary patented system that will save your home and all of its contents. Here's how: Wildfires can start in the blink of an eye, however, unlike other natural disasters such as tornados, you do have some lead time. Enough time to deploy the SCS system. Picture this scenario, wildfires have been burning close to your home and public officials have determined your area needs to be evacuated.

No one ever wants to leave their home behind to be destroyed. But you have to in order to survive. With your SCS system, that is no longer a problem. You simply activate the system via your cell phone, remote control, or the button we installed in your home. Once activated, mechanical lifts/hydraulic driven fire-resistant walls will begin to rise out of the ground covering the perimeter of your home where we have previously installed them. That will continue until the walls have reached the height of your home.

At which point, it will automatically enclose your home by unfolding at the roofline creating a fire-resistant box. Our material can withstand fires of 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Wildfires can reach temperatures as high as 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. After the wildfires have passed, you can retract the system via your cell phone or remote upon your return. This application can also be done for your commercial building/business, as well as land.


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Game changer. SCS has changed the game. They have changed how areas that are susceptible to wildfires will deal with the unfortunate situation. I now advise all of my clients to add a SCS system to their new home.

-Seth Gold

Luxury Home Builder